Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Power of Camaraderie and Support

Must we face change and the fear of the unknown alone?

It can be perceived that to battle through change and the unknown we must muster up strength to face adversity.  Through this we may be mistakenly conditioned to believe that, if we have independently battled through the 'ugly', then we would come out stronger than before taking steps to heal.

I believe that it does take the individual to acknowledge pain and to take steps to heal.  I also acknowledge that many gravitate towards the repetitive pattern of identifying the Self with pain.  Hence, pain is perpetuated and so is the idea of our 'unhappy selves'.  To face pain alone means to be consiously aware of our mind patterns and move into the state of Presence and Being.  Through this, we will create, as Eckhart Tolle states, a "transmutation of pain" where all pain bodies will eventually cease to exist.

We don't have to face this alone because if we are "fortunate enough to find someone who is intensely concious, if [we] can be with them and join them in the state of presence, that can be helpful and we can accelerate [the elimination of the repetitive cycle of pain]" (Eckhart Tolle).

 I agree with Eckhart that "...in this way, [our] own light will quickly grow stronger".

Friday, June 10, 2011

Calm Amidst the Storm

           Calm Amidst the Storm - Oil on canvas (8x10)

There is something to be said about facing pain...

As Eckhart Tolle states, "If you are able to stay present and alert at the time of [pain] and watch whatever you feel within, rather than be taken over by it, it affords an opportunity for the most powerful spiritual practice, and the rapid transmutation of all past pain  becomes possible." With this, I describe our efforts as establishing calm amidst the storm.

Monday, June 6, 2011